With the short thaw we've had lately, it was warm enough outside to do some yard work. We had a landscaping rock that needed to be anchored in the ground a little deeper, so we got out the shovel and dug a bit of a hole beneath it.
When Ethan saw what we were doing, he got all excited and came over to have a look. Without hesitation, he squatted down and stuck his fingers right into the dark, rich earth we had just dug up for him. He rubbed it between his fingers to sample the texture, stuck some down his pants and in his shoes, and even ate some. Jocee saw all the fun he was having, so she ran over and joined in. Needless to say, they both had to be cleaned up quite a bit afterward. If you're wondering what effect dirt has on a kid's digestive system and how it might come out, I've got one word for you: Earthworm.