Thursday, April 15, 2010

Eventful day

So we had the whirlwind earlier and then an earthquake. It felt really weird, it swayed the house back and forth. My heart was racing and Ethan yelled "Mommy!" I went to check on him but he was fine. Then I was beginning to think that maybe I just imagined it, thankfully other people felt it too and they had a story on the news, so wahoo I'm not crazy. Whew what a day. It makes me feel like packing a seventy two hour kit.

The Whirlwind

We were outside today enjoying the nice sunshine. It was calm and a light breeze was blowing. When suddenly to our surprise a strong gust of wind came blowing past our house and in an instant it switched directions and stated to blow the other way and we found ourselves in a whirlwind. It swirled around our front yard and Ethan's large inflatable ball was caught up in it and the wind carried it over the fence. Thinking it would stop there, I just stated to walk after it. But quickly realized the whirlwind didn't want to let go of it. Next thing you know I am running down the street after it. It went around in circles so I would run to one side of the street to the other in an attempt to catch it. In the end I looked like a maniac and was laughing my head off. Finally it landed in some grass and the whirlwind released it. I ran over and lifted it triumphantly in the air and started to walk back to Kelly and the boys who were following behind. So in the end Ethan was very happy that I saved his ball. THE END.