This is Ethan in his hospital clothes before he went in for surgery. He was having fun playing with the toys and didn't have a care in the world.
We took him in for surgery to fix a birth defect called hypospadia, about one in every one hundred boys are born with it. The doctor at primary's said he does the surgery about three times a week. So it is a pretty common defect. In case your wondering what defect it is, it is where the hole he pees through is in the wrong spot. So he was all ready for surgery and we walked him to the door and handed him off to a doctor and he was off as cool as could be. He didn't cry or anything when they took him. An hour and a half later he was out of surgery looking really out of it. All the nurses kept saying how cute he was.
So we were at the hospital from 7am to 12pm it was a very long day. The doctor warned us that he would announce his diaper changes for a few days and boy did he scream the first time, poor little boy. But now he is mostly healed and is looking good and he probly won't remember the ordeal.
Ethan, you are a big brave boy!