Monday, October 12, 2009

So it has been a little depressing lately. I spent tons of time making little girl dresses to try to sell at a yard sale. In the end I had made eleven dresses in about four days. But we had no luck when we tried to sell them. Maybe people don't think 'hand-made' is something worth having, or is of a poor quality compared to store bought clothes. Or maybe they thought five dollars is to much to pay for some thing brand new at a yard sell. So anyway you could say I was a little disappointed. I really tried hard to help bring some needed income in but it was of no use and that's what upsets me most. You can't make a descent dollar doing something you love, oh no, I guess the only way I can make an income for our family is by watching others children. So I guess that's what will have to happen after the baby comes. I guesss what I've learned from this is that you can't expect good things all the time no matter how hard you work. Oh well such is life. So at least I can give the dresses away, which is what I normally do anyway, and to those who find no home, they will be shipped off to D.I. where anything goes.

Please no comments, this is me just ranting!


  1. Of course I'm going to comment silly girl! Send those dresses my way!!! girl on the way in my neck of the woods!!! I'll pay full price. $5 a piece for one of a kind handmade dresses, thats a steal!! (And I know what a good seamstress you are!) Please don't just give them away!!!

  2. i'll buy some dresses. i got two little girls who need some winter dresses. you can also sell them on or i've had good luck selling handmade items there.
